Hello all Dissidia-ers.. Khaimyn here trying his hand at an Onion Knight Guide. I'm trying to write this guide because I actually am a fan of little Onion Knight and I believe he at least deserves a guide.
*** OK really does not need a guide, due to his little choice of attacks, but ya know ***
The "Legendary" Onion Knight
*Will add a picture depending how it goes*
Onion Knight is a small character, as most of you may know. He is a quick character, and can get in and out quite easily, but his main flaw is.... *drum roll* Yeahp, you guessed it, horrid brave damage!
"But Khaimyn! Why would I want a character who has horrid damage?!"
BECAUSE! Even though he has horrid damage, he is a multi-hitter, swinging around his sword like it weighs nothing, which gives him opportunities, (much more) to have more damage with criticals.
"You're lying! Even though he can get some crits there's no way he can compare to the damage of anyone else."
Well that is so... INCORRECT my friend! His problem can be very easily fixed with his EX mode (which I will get into), and because he's fast and mobile, he can get in, slash away, and get out with a ton of ex-force.
Onion Knight's EX-Mode
Onion Knight's EX-Mode is a little like Cecil's, in which he can change between two forms, the Sage and the Ninja
He can change by using either a Magic or Melee attack. In a way, he is much like Gabranth, pitiful damage, but a beast in EX-Mode.
"How can being a shexy ninja change anything?"
The ninja form, from just Multi-Hit > the brave chain, he can take about.... 800 brave, I believe (Will test it out).
The Sage form enhances the magic potency (will get into this more later*ahem tomorrow*)
Onion Knight's Attack Properties
Multi-Hit - (In EX-Mode does heavy damage) It moves you forward a bit, allowing you to cover some distance, can reach all the way from a BDC to get to the opponent and rain destruction. Plus, it links to Swordshower, which rains pain (Can be used offensively, defensively, and as a punisher.)
Blizzard - Shoots a tiny blizzard thing and can combo into Blizzaga or earthquake. More of a punisher than on offense.
Turbo Hit - Same as Multi-Hit, it will move you towards the foe and go slashy-slashy!
Thunder - Much more reliable (though not by much) than Blizzard as in, it has much more of a chance to hit with than Blizzard, due to better homing properties. The reason I say "not by much" is because the speed and how it moves is kind of slow and predictable. What happens is that it will move forward and then it will home in onto the foe. It also has quite small range, and slow speed, but can combo into flare. It can mindgame and dodgepunish, stated in the next section.
The How-To... Section
Welcome to the How-To section in this guide. This section will teach you how to act and use his moves to the fullest extent.
How To Use......
Multi-Hit - Multi-Hit doesn't really need much explanation. Once you use the move, it will make you dash to the opponent (to an extent) and slashy-slashy them, meaning you can use it at a small distance, so use it if your opponent is running away, you're running at your opponent and you need to close a small gap to attack, or just because you wanna beat the hell outta your opponent, OK doesn't mind, he's all up for slashy-slashy-ing.
Blizzard - Of all his moves, Blizzard is probably the hardest to most utilize. It has roughly the same range as Squall's Blizzard Bullet, with about 1/3 the homing. I suggest, okay? SUGGEST using it to mind game your opponent. Like if you're running up to an opponent and you think s/he'll block, use Blizzard, just to make him/her go WTF? And while s/he's in that state, use that time to either Multi-hit, use an HP attack(i don't know why an Onion Knight Would have an HP Attack on besides Firaga, [for a good reason!]) or dodge out and think of what you'll do next.
Turbo-Hit - again, same as Multi-Hit
Thunder - Has a stunning effect, if you're close, and the orbs come out, it'll hit your foe and then make the other orbs come out.
OK's Combos!
Flash Scar
I just call it Flash Scar because it happens so fast and it definately will leave your opponents brave with a mark.
Multi-Hit > Brave Chain > RDC (Return Dodge Cancel for all you newbies, which means dodge and flick your analog stick back, then forward again, like a quick jolt. Can also be done by right then left, or left then right.) > Turbo-Hit > Brave Chain or Guiding Swipe. This is OK's BnB (Bread and Butter) combo, and the one you'll most likely be using. Can sap up to 1000-1200 brave in this one combo. EAT THAT SQUALL! (Just kidding to all you Squall Mainers. Onion Knights Love Squallers )
Frozen Flare
Use it at Close-Mid range distance.
Blizzard>Blizzaga>RDC>Thunder>Flare Use this for people who like to run, grounded mages, or if you're scared to cover distance.
Cold Scar
A combo I just made up 3/30/10 5:45 pm
Blizzard>Blizzaga>FDC>Turbo-Hit>Guiding Swipe
How To Use Onion Knight
Look, to all you agresso-heads, you can't play OK like you would play Squall. You can't be aggressive!.... YET. Your main focus as OK is to get in, and get out.. WITH A TON OF EX FORCE. With a good build, you can get in, hurt the opponent, and get out with like, 1/5 of the force you need.
*Insert Build Here*
Now when you get into EX mode, you CAN get a little more Aggressive. The reason I say LITTLE is because you gain STRENGTH not Speed. You can still whiff an attack and you can still be blocked.
There's also the Iai strike build, but that requires total experience. To make that build work well, you need to have many risky multipliers that can be ruined in one hit.
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