[CENTER]Firion - Weapons Specialist[/CENTER]
  [/SIZE]    What's So Special about Firion?

-Excellent Range
-Excellent Ground Combat.
-Excellent Ground Combos.
-Brave to Hp Combos. [Every Ground Move except for Swordslash]
-Hp Shield Attack. [Shield Bash]
-Aerial Magic can be used as a distraction.
-EX Form can be useful to turn a battle around.

Kinda on the slow side. [Compared to Other Characters] [But it helps to keep a fair distance in the air, and to be thinking out what to do next on ground.]

Only Having 1 Close-range aerial brave attack is kind of a let down. [the rest are magic, but like i said above, the magic is mostly used for distractions.]

Other than that, He's an Excellent Character.

Ok, now for his Moveset

       Ground Brave Attacks

[COLOR=Purple]-Hp Link

Double Trouble [A, B, and C]: Brave To Hp [Combo] for Rope Knife, Reel Axe, and Lance Combo. Multi-Weapon attack, once linked into cant be blocked, Except for when the opp uses Ex Guard.

Effects: Wall Rush[/COLOR]

Rope Knife: [Mid Range] Limited Height, Long Duration, Follows the opponent along the ground, hard to escape unless you dodge back into the air. It can be blocked, but it will come back at the other player most times and hit them.

Additional Effects: Wall Rush

In my opinion its an excellent move to use at random moments to catch your opp off guard and to link to [COLOR=Purple][b]Double Trouble.[/COLOR][/b]

Reel Axe
Very long ranged attack, but if it misses it can be very punishable if the opp is close to you. Use when opponent is in the air/using a brave attack from a distance. Very Fast, but No homing. [It'll break through most brave attacks]

Additional Effects: Wall Rush

Lance Combo: Close range 360 spin with his lance, a very useful attack for both brave combo, and the Brave/Hp branch. Can chase/hp atk if you don't finish the combo with the arrow shot.

Effects: Chase, Wall Rush, and Absorb
[b]Amazing Move, that's all I'm gonna say.[/b]

Swordslash: Firion's only ground brave attack that doesn't have a hp link, Its a fast single strike, good for catching Opp off guard. I don't use it as a ground atk, Just aerial.

Additional Effect: Chase

Aerial Brave Attacks

     Swordslash:Its a fast single strike, good for catching Opp off guard.

Additional Effect: Chase

Long Range Frost Projectile. Good for distracting the opp, or getting them to block so you can lead up to Straightarrow, or Weapon Master.

Fire: Long Range Fire Projectile, Slow Speed, Strong Homing. Also good for distracting the opponent, and can be used to activate Shield Bash when the opp blocks it.

: Long Range, Lightning bolts appear directly over the opponents head, Doesn't hit very much. I just use Blizzard and Fire.

     Ground Hp Attacks

  Shield Bash:[Block] Creates a barrier, Hp attack Successful on block. Can be used for both close range and long range attacks. On a close range attack Firion attacks with his multiple weapons for a nice combo. Long range attacks, Firion uses a giant Fire and Blizzard to combo the opponent into Lightning for a cool Hp attack.

Excellent move to surprise the opp and catch them off guard.

Straightarrow: Long Range Giant Arrow. Charge to adjust homing, Good for breaking through/deflecting magic attacks or when the opponent gets hit by your magic.

Aerial Hp Attacks

Straightarrow: Long Range Giant Arrow. Charge to adjust homing, Good for breaking through/deflecting magic attacks or when the opponent gets hit by your magic. [Same as Ground Hp Atk]

[COLOR=Red]Weaponmaster:[/COLOR] Mid Range attack, Good for deflecting certain attacks, but only when the weapons are in the area of the opp's attacks. Good move for when the opp is close to you. Can catch them off guard. Very good aerial attack but is punishable if you miss.

[u]EX Mode[/u]

Ex Burst

  Fervid Blazer: A Chain of attacks releasing the power of his weapons. Damage dealt adds to his own HP. Enter the commands that display before the attack.

EX Effects

  Regen: Always active while in EX Mode, Vigor and Stamina revoer little by little, restoring HP.

Blood Weapon: Activates when HP attack hits. Absorbs HP equivalent to damage dealt.

*** Excellent for turning the tide of battle in your Favor.

  [COLOR=Red][b][EX Form][/b][/COLOR]

[реклама вместо картинки]

        ***This is also the first time i have ever done this so, Please forgive me for anything i messed up on.

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