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FAQ Cloud

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-Cloud Strife FAQ By Nero/Belts

Do you love FF7?
Do you like Cloud Strife?
Well I got the perfect FAQ for you.
This FAQ will show detailed explanation of Cloud Strife's move list and match up.

Things you need to know about Cloud.
Cloud Strife is known as the "Buster Basher" Most of his moves have Wall Rush damage and forces his enemies to the other side of the stage. Although with great power comes great disadvantage.

While Cloud may be powerful his weakness is actually landing his attacks. Most of his moves are blocked on reaction therefore, Cloud will use his moves trough mindgames and defensive play.

Cloud's Changes from the JP to US version
Cloud didn't recieve any major changes besides his custom combo's.
-He cannot pull off any Slashing Blow to Rising Fang or his infinite anymore (Slashing Blow + Slashing Blow)
-Climhazzard + Slash Blow still works so that's a good thing.
- Braver's Range has been nerfed. It's similiar to Zidane's Storm Impulse where the opponent has to dodge right on a specific timing.
-Meteorain's speed has been increased and Cloud can dodge out of it sooner.
-Blade Beam got nerfed, It's easier to block now and it turned into a straightfoward attack.

Cloud's Move List
Cloud has an amazing move list that allows him to adjust different moves for different opponents. He is similiar to Squall where fighting on the ground may deliver a better result then in the air.

Here are the move lists you should know about.

*Will be updated with Belts Visual FAQ pictures and the info you need on it.*

Double Cut "..."- Cloud Strife

[Close] Quick. Low power, Fast Execution
Additional Effect: Chase

Technical Analysis
This move is recommended for any Cloud player, It's quick and deals alot of brave damage when you hit the person's back with "Sneak Attack" Ability equipped, It takes around 200 BRV first hit and 300 BRV the second hit, If you land your hit with suprise attack that is.

This is the safest BRV move to use as if you want to go on the offense. The neat thing about this move is that it allows you to link up with Cross Slash after the first hit. This only works if the opponent is in the air.

Alternatively after using Double Cut when the opponent is in the air you can use Slashing Blow instead of Cross Slash. This combo requires better timing and enemy height.

The bad thing about this move is that it lacks range, Don't use it too often or you'll get blocked.
I should also mention that Double Cut has low lag time.

Fire/Fira/Firaga "Burn.." - Cloud Strife

[Long] Hurl fireball.
Slowly tracks opponent.
Additional Effect: None

Technical Analysis
Mostly used to combo in with different attacks. Using a move before Fire hits allows Cloud to link up with another attack. So for example you can use Double cut + Fire Hits the opponent + Slash Blow + Omnislash V5.

You can cast up to three Fire spells on the field. Out of all the Fire spells Cloud has this one has the best priority and doesn't reflect back at you when another player casts for example..Fira at you. Fire also has one hit box so you only get one brave hit out of it. (Takes about 277 BRV damage Critical)

You can mix it up with Fira to catch your opponent off Guard when casting Fira.

This move is horribly bad against melee's unfortunatly. Consider this move a mage move.

[Long] Hurl Fireball
Faster then Fire.
Additional Effect : None

Technical Analysis

This move is pretty darn horrible to be used frequently. Although you can mix it up with Fire to catch your opponent off guard.
Using this as a stand alone attack isn't too great since it can be reflected back at you at full speed. It'll be too late to dodge. Don't be too far when mixing this up though or your opponent will know.

I wouldn't recommend using this without having Fire.

[Long] Shoot 3 fireballs.
Short range, but can restrain opponent with explosions.
Additional Effect: None

Technical Analysis

This move is the best magic move Cloud can offer, When you block an opponent come in close and use Firaga, This is best used with "Riposte" ability equipped allowing Strife going for maximum damage. This attack takes 1400-1600 BRV in one blow. It has small homing which is pretty neat, But i suggest only using this when you successfully blocked an enemy and come in close to them.

Sonic Break "..." - Cloud Strife
Picture added later.
[Close] 3 Powerful Blows.
Sends Foe flying.
Additional Effect: Wall Rush

Technical Analysis
While Sonic Break delivers alot of damage, Unfortunatly this is a slow move that can be blocked on reaction ontop of that it won't hit any player who's too high up in the air. There are only two plus sides on this move. The fact that it deals the most brave damage when used in criticals. And the fact it has "Finishing Touch" Once this move is mastered.
Finishing Touch itself is weaker than OmniSlash Version 5 but it still covers wall rush damage.

I find this move great when used on the ground and a good alternative for firaga against Ground players. Don't use this move if your opponent spends too much time in the air or as an offense tool.

Climhazzard "There!" - Cloud Strife

[Mid] Charging attack
Slow strike, easy to wall rush.
Additional Effect: Wall Rush

Technical Analysis
Another move that any Cloud player could use, The closer you use this move the more damage you deal. Look at it like...Tidus' Sonic Buster, where he has more hit boxes when closer.
Other then that this move is used mainly to extend the range of Slashing Blow. You will use Climhazzard to Slashing Blow every time you can.
For the following reasons.
1) You deal more BRV damage that way
2) The final hit of Climhazzard can be replaced with the final hit of Slashing Blow
3) You're able to use Omnislash by starting off the ground thanks to Climhazzard

You won't use this move alot offensively but you can punish players who dodge away from you. You can simply catch up to them by using Climhazzard. Other then that it's an extended range if you can't get near enough in time for Slashing Blow.

This move is excellent for punishing ground characters who panic or characters that have lag time.

Blade Beam "You're gone!" - Cloud Strife

[Mid] Launch shockwave.
Fast, but has weak homing.
Additional Effect: Chase

Technical Analysis
Okay this move was only fantastic because the opponent had to stay still in order to block in the Japanese version due to multi hits. However this was fixed in the US version
Blade Beam also has less range in the US version which makes you even wonder..Is it really worth equipping? Personally i'd say no, The range between Blade Beam and Climhazard is similiar. The damage output on this move isn't fantastic either.

When the opponent is too close Cloud can get staggered by using this move. The only use i see for this move is Chase fights and it's low lag time. Even then i still don't think it's worth it.
I'll try using this move more often because i think there is a catch behind this nerf.

Slashing Blow "Weak.." "Go!" - Cloud Strife

[Close] Powerful Slashes
Change combo with analog stick.
Additional Effect: Wall Rush

Technical Analysis
Cloud only has three aerial moves, Two of them are situational. Slashing Blow is Cloud's greatest Aerial attack. It links up to Omnislash Version 5 which is Cloud's most devastating link attack.
One hit of Slash Blow (Critical) Deals 400 BRV damage so you're already dealing 800 BRV damage, The best thing you can do if your enemy has high BP is to use the final hit aswell. Don't use Omnislash right away. You'll be dealing atleast 1600 BRV damage if all hits are criticals. not to mention i still have to add up the BRV damage if you wall rush your opponent.

Climhazzard will help you land your criticals if you have Sneak Attack equipped. Dodge canceling after Climhazzard allows you to dodge behind the opponent allowing you to slash blow your enemy with criticals.

As mentioned before, Cloud is meant to be played defensive and mix it up with your possible options to show a little bit offense play.

Omnislash Version 5 "This ends here!" "No hard feelings." - Cloud Strife

Branching from Slashing Blow
[Combo] Series of speedy slices
Additional Effect: Wall Rush

Technical Analysis
Omnislash is only activated trough Slashing Blow. This attack seriously takes alot of Brave points and finishes up with Crash damage. You might use this move straight off the bat but try building up brave to 4000 so the crash damage deals 2000. Leaving your enemy with 999 HP left. You'll have an easier way going for the killing blow instead of omnislashing so many times. But either way works really. You can chip HP bit by bit or go for heavy damage.

You should keep in mind that some players will attack you right after Cloud says "No hard feelings"
So don't stand there and gaze at the amazing display of Omnislash.

Aerial Fang "Hmph..Ha!" - Cloud Strife
*Picture Added Later*
Diving attack, scooping foe
with sword, Useful from above.
Additional Effect: Chase

Technical Analysis
Cloud has two situational air moves, Aerial Fang is one of 'em.
It's a good move but only use this when high up in the air. It's gotten quicker and has recieved more range then in the JP version. Aerial Fang Seems to go trough some attacks such as The Emperor's Flare (Still have to find out what caused it.) The damage on Aerial Fang is reasonable it should deal 757 Damage with Criticals. Multi air dash is recommended for this move so the camera gets a little screwy so Cloud can land his hit.

Rising Fang
*Picture added later*
Powerful upward lunge.
Effective near the ceiling.
Additional Effect: Wall Rush

Technical Analysis
Rising Fang is exactly the opposite of Aerial Fang, You use it when your below an enemy or close to below. When landing this move it'll pay off a nice reward to it. Although using this the wrong way or way too low will end up having this move blocked or dodged. So don't be too low or too close to the enemy. When you smack your opponent against the wall you may be able to use Braver or Slashing Blow while the opponent recovers. It really depends on your opponent though.

HP Attacks

Cross Slash

[Close] Cross-shaped
slashes break through defenses
Additional Effect: Wall Rush

Technical Analysis
This move is horrible as a stand alone HP attack, Although i may add this HP attack has the best Priority it even tops off Braver priority wise. You can use this move to deflect HP attacks but Only use this at a SAFE distance. Cloud has horrible lag time in this HP attack and can be punished easily. Besides that you can safely land this HP attack with Double Cut if you're opponent is in the air. Or when your opponent guards since Cloud moves a bit foward when he uses this.

Meteorain "Stars..Rain Down!" - Cloud Strife

[Mid] Send countless
meteors towards opponent.
Additional Effect: None

Technical Analysis
This move turned pretty solid in the US version since it's faster now and you can dodge out of it earlier then in the JP version, It's safe to use when you have good distance. This is better to use when you're on higher ground. Stuff you may want to know about is that When Cloud is preparing the meteor it will deal BRV damage to anyone who's above him. I think this is Cloud's safest Ground HP move, So be sure to use this more often compared to Cross Slash or Braver.

If you're about to get hit. You can use Cloud's EX Guard to keep Meteor Rain on going. Since the person will get stunned and not you.

Braver "Se! Toa!" - Cloud Strife

[Mid] Midair charge. Long
reach, effective vs any height.
Additional Effect: Wall Rush

Technical Analysis
Cloud's one and only standard air HP move. I gotta say it ain't that bad. It only suffers from lag time when used. It's range is great and has the second best priority. If you plan on reflecting things put Lock on off so your braver won't go towards the enemy. You can swap it on and off to trick your enemy into thinking "Oh he's using braver without lock on" And BAM you hit 'em. =P
Other then that you'll be able to use it for mindgames aswell. Which will be posted in the mindgame section.

EX Burst

EX: Omnislash "I'm breaking my limits!" "This is it." -Cloud Strife

Cloud's EX properties.
1. Regen
2. All attacks gain "Defense Crush"
3. Damage increase in relativity to HP (The more HP you have, the more damage you do)

-Activate EX mode when your using a move. this will cause a player to block and think you're going to attack without EX.
- If bursts are allowed Use omnislash Version 5 and don't press Square(EX burst) right away Let the opponent land on the ground for additional crash damage.
-Don't play too offensively or you'll get punished. Keep dashing towards the opponent because they might dodge out of reflex when you come in close.

Ability Recommendation

Cloud must equip various abilities in order for him to stand a chance.
I will give you the list of abilities and why.

Aerial Recovery While being smacked away you can catch a player off guard by pressing Square or Circle while you're still in "recovery" animation. Don't spam this though..

Free Air Dash I wouldn't have to explain this really..

Multi Air Slide + This allows Cloud to go more on the offense since it can mess the opponent's camera up.

Jump Boost This allows Cloud to have a little bit more height so he can dash over the enemies easier.

Controlled Recovery Moving while recovering is one of the safer things you can do.

Achy+ This will help activate "Back To Wall" ability.

Counter Attack Use this to punish people who are in mid attack, Cloud won't benefit it that much though.

Sneak Attack After Climhazzard combo you can dodge cancel behind the enemy for Sneak attack.

Back To The Wall Mix this up with Achy+ and you'll punish character who chip HP bit by bit even more.

Catnip Used against character that take alot of brave.

Riposte Cloud is better off equipping this since you'll be defending alot

Updated with Ability recommendation and finished Move list.



Вы любите FF7?
Нравится ли вам Клауд?
Ну, я получил идеальный FAQ для вас.
Этот FAQ покажет подробную информацию о списке атак Клауда и соответствуют друг другу.
Что вам нужно знать о Клауде.
Клауд известен как "Buster Basher" Большинство его атак наносят Wall Rush повреждения и заставляет его врагов, с другой стороны сцены. Хотя с большой властью приходит крайне невыгодное положение.
Хотя Клауд может быть мощным свою слабость играют на самом деле посадки его атак. Большая часть его движений заблокированы на реакцию.
Клауд меняется с японской к американской версии
Клауд не получил каких-либо серьезных изменений, кроме своему обыкновению в комбо.
Он не может снять любой Slashing Blow к росту Fang или его бесконечной больше (Slashing Blow Slashing Blow)
Slashing-Climhazzard Blow-прежнему работает так что это хорошая вещь.
- Диапазон Braver был понерфлен. Это похоже на Storm Impulse Зидана , где противник имеет право уклониться от конкретных сроков.
Скорость Meteorain была увеличена и Клауд может уклоняться от этого раньше.
Blade-Beam получился понерфлен, Легче поставить блок.
Список атак Клауда:
Брейв атаки:
Double Cut
[Close] Быстро. Низкая мощность, быстрого исполнения
Дополнительный эффект: Chase
Fire / Fira / Firaga
[Long] Бросает огненный шар.
Медленно летит на противника.
Дополнительный эффект: Нету
[Long] Бросает огненный шар.
Быстрее, чем Fire.
Дополнительный эффект: Нету
[Long] Стрелет 3 огненных шара.
Краткой диапазон, но может удержать противника взрывом.
Дополнительный эффект: Нету
Sonic Break
[Close] 3 мощных ударов.
Заставляет пративника летать.
Дополнительный эффект: Wall Rush
[Mid] Зарядка нападения
Медленный удар, легко сделать Wall Rush
Дополнительный эффект: Wall Rush
Blade Beam
[Mid] Запуск ударной волны.
Быстрый, но слабый эффект самонаведения.
Дополнительный эффект: Chase
Slashing Blow
[Close] Мощная косая черта
Изменение комбо с аналоговым джойстиком.
Дополнительный эффект: Wall Rush
Omnislash версий 5
Ветвление с Slashing Blow
[Combo] Серия скорейшего ломтики
Дополнительный эффект: стена Раш
Aerial Fang
Дайвинг нападения, черпая врага
мечом. Полезно сверху.
Дополнительный эффект: Chase
Rising Fang
Мощный удар вверх.
Эффективно под потолком.
Дополнительный эффект: Wall Rush
HP атаки:
[Close] Крестообразная
косая черта.Легко прорвать оборону
Дополнительный эффект: Wall Rush
[Mid] Отправить бесчисленное количество
метеоров в направлении противника.
Дополнительный эффект: Нет
[Mid] Воздушный заряд. Долгое
достижение, эффективно против любой высоты.
Дополнительный эффект: Wall Rush
EX Burst
Клауд наносит 2 сильных удара и потом вам надо набрать лимит нажимая O
Бонусы от Ex-mode:
1. Регенерация
2. Всё атаки стают неблокируемыми
3. Урон увеличевается в зависимости от здоровья(чем больше,тем сильнее)
EX-Mode включайте когда вы атакуйте.Это позволит вам пробить блок
Если вы используйте Omnislash версия 5 то не переходите сразу в Ex-Burst,потождите пока вы не нанесете противнику Wall Rush
Не играйте с обидой,иначе вас смогут наказать))))) Держите расстояние к сопернику, поскольку он могут уклоняться от рефлекса.

Отредактировано Viper (2010-05-08 21:05:37)



....ммм, почему попахивает промтом?



ммм,не понимаю,я хз просто переводил и сё)))



Ветвление с Slashing Blow
[Combo] Серия скорейшего ломтики

эт как? ^^"""



Viper написал(а):

ммм,не понимаю,я хз просто переводил и сё)))

Построчно загоняя в гугл переводчик?)))

Viper написал(а):

Держите расстояние к сопернику, поскольку он могут уклоняться от рефлекса.

Viper написал(а):

Хотя Клауд может быть мощным свою слабость играют на самом деле посадки его атак. Большая часть его движений заблокированы на реакцию

Viper написал(а):

Большинство его атак наносят Wall Rush повреждения и заставляет его врагов, с другой стороны сцены.

Viper написал(а):

Хотя с большой властью приходит крайне невыгодное положение.

Viper написал(а):

Этот FAQ покажет подробную информацию о списке атак Клауда и соответствуют друг другу.



ну тип да)



Ну, такой перевод не годится, на инглише и то понятнее)
Давай трансформируй в нормальное.



Объясните в чем прикол кросс слэша.



Ну когда враг кастует на земле бредовую магию... можно сбить эту магию и попробывать попасть во врага :DDD но эт бред :))) в игре куча не нужных спеллов... я думаю этот к этому относится
хотя... на закрытых аренах, не пробывал юзать... мб юзабельно



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